Thursday, January 04, 2007

Day in the life of a blond

  1. Got up late (not normal)
  2. Ran around having a closet day (This is when you stand in front of all your clothes and decide you have nothing to wear)
  3. Didn't eat and got to work hungry
  4. Busy the minute I hit the door
  5. Got my conference calls mixed up and almost called the wrong person
  6. Busy all day and almost forgot to eat lunch
  7. Didn't want to leave the office so mulled around my desk for what I had
  8. What does a Blond eat that she finds in her drawer? Oatmeal and hot coco...mmm nutritious
  9. Swamped for the rest of the day then 5 :30 showed up
  10. what the heck happened to the day?
  11. I guess to a blond the hours vanish or something.
  12. Went to Target
  13. Got a cart and almsot ran into the security guard
  14. Walked ten feet and found out why =Blond CArt I guess.
  15. Ok now u ask...what is a blond cart??
  16. A Blond cart is a cart that leans sideways when you try to turn it and always goes the way you don't want it to.
  17. Yep...blond cart
  18. kept having to veer cart the direction I wanted it to go
  19. Now what is funnier than a blond trying to steer a crooked cart? not much else
  20. Rest of the evening....busy until midnight
  21. then blog
  22. Then relax and go to sleep

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