Saturday, June 09, 2012

High Maintenance Woman-Sweet Tender Heart

I am a "High Maintenance" woman-this means HM friend, HM-GF, HM employee, boss said it, guys I dated said it, friends have said it. I know it, it's true. This is reality-I am a busy person, I don't mean to not text you the SECOND you text me, or email you right back or respond to you FB or LIKE your feed, I am just BUSY. What is so odd, is tha tI used to be the person tapping my fingers waiting for someone to get back to me and impatient and feeling dejected, rejected and left out. Now , "I" am the one saying to others, "It's ok, I love you, I care, I still want your friendship, I am JUST busy."

I have Goals, Dreams, Aspirations, Desires and Designs to do things in life that many others don't dream of, can't think of, wouldn't go for, wouldn't risk and so on.

  • I want to retire by the time I am 50(was very close when 40)
  • I want to be known for making a difference in the world (one step at a time)
  • I want to be know for making a difference in the lives of others (I feel I do by being me)
  • I want my art in a gallery (Goal part accomplished was in Art fundraiser)
  • I want the world to see my art (June 18th millions of people will see it in NYC-Goal accomplished)
  • I want my business to be thriving enough I don't have to do freelance work anymore (working on something now to hopefully accomplish that)
  • I want my debts paid off so I can finally have that money for ME, ME not bill collectors!!! ( on a Money plan to be financially free in TWO YEARS!!)
  • I want to reach my goals
  • I want to live my dreams
  • I want to touch those aspirations
  • I want to live out those desires 

In process:
  • I work daily on a freelance assignment connected to a big government mandate for the next 6 months (this is money for now and helping me get financially free even though it is taking time away from other things I want, the priority of being financially free is more important to me)
  • I am working on building a new website to collaborative the minds of others who can help us all be people into one place(this will hopefully be my residual income or it is an idea of this)
  • I draw daily either to create a new drawing, work on something digitally, or finish something I started, but something Artistic, daily to help me reach my goals and dreams (this is something I never though or but now my dream has this in mind, to keep up with this dream, I need to remember as J said to "HAVE FUN" but still keep practice and creating and honing my craft or I will lose it and now that I have it, I don't want to lose it, I want to make it better
  • I enter two to four contest or challenges a week to push myself harder and make my art craft better. This is how I got in for my art to be shown in NYC on June 18th
  • I meet mostly weekly with David, my Accountability Partner from Life Coach Iowa. We help each other out kind of like an exercise busy to stay on track in our lives.
  • I still am doing my non profit for Warriors for the Homeless but I am NOT a 501c3. Sadly that whole exercise to get there was exhaustive and I didn't make deadline and money in time. I only do this part time, but I still help the homeless and anyone in need.
  • I help my BF study for his classes he is taking and meet up with him when I can to take a break in my week if possible and test him during our dinner before he goes to class so he can be the best at his course
  • In addition to all this, I man texts and phone calls and help friends set up websites and answers questions about websites often for free, when this is actually what I get paid to do! But I do that for FREE because I love them and they are my friends. When my friends need me, I am there for them
  • Have Fun. Yes, I actually schedule time to have fun, but I instill fun in my every day life. I giggle I squeak I do all kinds of things. I will add something I recently posted on FB
Infusing Play into Mundane Tasks...": "Things I do-

Skip instead of walk Imagine I am in a movie when I walk into a meeting Give myself challenges Play music, dance around Do a victory dance after I do anything good When I send an email, make fax noises When I have to clean something, give a play-by-play of your actions with a Howard Cossell voice Do a Game theme or Jeopardy theme to things in waiting Keep a kazoo in my purse and toot it for regular day to day accomplishments Dance in my car like its a workout Act like I score the winning hoop when I chuck the carts into the return aisle for the supermarket then shout like a crowd is cheering me on Ride the cart to my car even if others are watching Take my own photo shoots like when I was in modeling Walk into every room as if I own it and though I am famous Sign at the top of my lungs in my car even if the people next to me are watching Smile at everyone a super huge Miss-Trisha Hunter smile like I have a secret Enjoy life to the fullest Today is a gift...that's why it's called the PRESENT"

I know, I hear you and others say I tire you just by reading my statuses that I get more done in a week than most do in a month or a year!!

So please, my friends, by patient. If I don't get back to your text right away, it doesn't mean I don't care.

This week I have answered 5 peoples phone calls in distress and was the good friend and listed. Today I am taking clothes to someone in need and just spent the last hour literally taking MY clothes out of MY closet to give to someone else.

I have a sweet tender heart and it hurts when I hear people say they think I don't care. That is the farthest from the truth it is more so that my world is going like a NASCAR race and I am working hard at being the front car for the whole thing without having to pit!! (I do NOT believe I just used a NASCAR reference)

I enjoy life to the fullest, yet I AM trying to reach and stretch out my arms as far as I can to touch these goals and dreams of mine. I won't stop until I do and to this, it means time and that time means I might not be there at a beck and call commend but as you can see, I AM there for my friends. I may be a High Maintenance Woman and you might have to decide if you want to put up with that to be friends with me or not but I am you this more that that question...

IF you know me or know anything about me ask yourself this...

Do you find enough VALUE in our friendship to do the things you have to do, to be friends with me?
Am I the sort of person worthy of your friendship?
Is it worth your effort to be friends with someone like me, if you might have to jump through a few hoops or workarounds every now and then?
Or am I someone not worth fighting for?

For you, I would say yes. Will you say yes for me?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I really enjoyed reading this. I was inspired (but how to manage your schedule and crame so much cool stuff in) and also nodding as I often struggle to be responding to everyone twenty-four-seven. I think the age of digital media where we have this sense of connection 24 hrs a day is partly contributing this problem. People are becoming used to instance access, instance information and therefore expect instant response.
    I too enjoyed Leo's post... was great to read it again :)
