Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Do you ever think about those things that you never got in life? Maybe there are things you would like to change in your life? Maybe there are things you would like changed but have no control over it. Well, this is me and flowers.

In all my life..wait..now I have to think about it... ah..nope...in all my life I have NEVER recived flowers from a delivery service from anyone. EVER. I have been brought flowers. I have been bought flowers on the spot. I have had someone I didn't know at Universal studios hand me a flower to "brighten my day". I have sent other flowers, I have bought flowers and made paper flowers.

But nope, no way no how have I ever been sent flowers. My spouse would not think of such things. He does not think about the little things. Even though he has been married to me for almost 8 years he still does not get the concept that the little tiniest fragments of things can enlighten my day to the point of skipping!

Maybe I am being selfish and thinking such things. I mean at least I have been given flowers at some point in time. I know some people who probably in their life haven't even had such things as this. But this is important to me. Maybe they don't care. I don't know.

I had a friend recently tell me "I also think men should do things to make a woman feel good everyday. Even if it's not tangible things; it's how a woman views the way she is treated when in a group of other women talking about how they are treated * that woman should feel good about the way she is being treated in comparison to her friends."

I fully agree.

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