Friday, August 26, 2005


So, I am running around today. Nothing special. Laundry, 4 loads. Dishwasher dishes, 2 loads. Menu planning (Just started), Cleaning. Vacuumed downstairs so far. If I am going back to work FT I have to get this house in order. "Organize yourself, every needful thing... a house of order..." so this is what I am doing. S is working on hooking up the router so he won't keep taking my internet. It drives me nuts to have that wire running all through the house.

So, I checked my email, I have to water my plants outside still, and check up on my food. I am preparing a broil in the crock pot for tinight. Carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes, thyme, oregano, s an p.

But in the
Everyday Food book for this month there are so many great recipies. I am currently working on a recipie for Roasted Tomato Sauce. Instead of simmering it on the stove, you cook all the ingredients int he oven and then puree them. Store it in the freezer for the week and you have wonderful tomato sauce. All I know is right now my house smells amazing! An Italian would feel at home here. It smells of garlic, tomatoes and onions and oddly that does really smell good!

Yeserday for lunch we had fresh mozzarella, tomatoes and basil for lunch. We got the ingredients all at
Costco! No wait, I think we got the basil somehere else. But the Mozz was divine! ummmmm yummm.

So, see I am silly and crazy at times but underneath I am really suzy homeaker! I love to cook. S says is he can keep me away from processed foods I make amazing meals. I have lots of cook books but these Everday Food books really help people who want to use real items for real food. I like fancy meals along with the next guy, but I like eating real meals too. This book has so much, lunch ideas and everything. Even things for one person.

Geez. You would think I had stock in it or something. maybe I should look into that. Well, you see this book is connected to
Martha Stewart. Hopefully that doesn't turn you away.

Well, I need to go check on my food and finish organizing my home. Toodles. I prb won't blog for a few days unless I get a break. I am volunteering for an event doing many girls hair into 40 styles, and then being an usher on Sunday, then Monday new job. If I have time I will pop in and say hi!


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